Is Winter the HOT time to SELL.?
Claudio Cuomo Claudio Cuomo

Is Winter the HOT time to SELL.?

So far this year, there has been a stable rebound in prelimanry sales, building month on month since April.

Overall sales volumes have been down on 2020, 2021 and most of 2022 data recorded and more similar to 2019 market trends. The lower level of newer homes coming onto the market for sale statistically sits -16.8% lower in May'23 than in May'22. Historically stock supply level sit -30.5% below the decade average. Currently buyers are faced with fewer purchasing opportunities due to the lack of new listings on the market.

Even though interest rates have continued to rise, the further predicted falls in property prices of -7-10% for this year have not eventuated. Combine this with the traditionally quieter selling season we experience through winter. Right now conditions are combining to create the PERFECT STORM..

  • Excess buyers left over that have not been able to locate the right home

  • Low supply levels that are -30.5% below the 10 year average

  • The interest rising cycle coming to it's peak

  • Price drops already felt are now at affordable levels compared to say 2-3 years ago

I'm not an expert economist, however when as they say it's all about SUPPLY vs DEMAND, so you do the maths and calculate could this winter be the perfect window of OPPORTUNITY to take advantage of current market conditions, before SUPPLY ramps up in Spring..

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When Could Price PEAK Next.?
Claudio Cuomo Claudio Cuomo

When Could Price PEAK Next.?

with so much lack of clarity right now, the property market continues to seemingly defy the ODDS of GRAVITY. So when could prices PEAK again if this pace of price growth continues.?

New analysis of the Australian property market has revealed that national home prices could return to positive annual growth as early as next month, if the current trajectory continues. The housing market so far, has avoided the steep falls that so many expected.

After 5 months of small, incremental price growth of +0.24% here and +0.31% there, stronger and more stable market conditions are becoming wider-spread in 2023. Housing demand was likely bolstered by the surge in net overseas migration + the ever tightening supply of rental markets as more landlords choose to sell amid rising holding costs, interest rates, land tax and other associated rental property compliances costs rising sharply in recent years.

Given the limited new stock coming to market, buyer interest is being concentrated on the fewer homes available, which is underpinning home prices and offsetting the downward pressure from interest rate rises. Says Lisa Calautti, Senior Property Journalist and market commentator.

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How LONG is it taking to SELL.?
Claudio Cuomo Claudio Cuomo

How LONG is it taking to SELL.?

What a wonderful question and one that many would be and current sellers are asking their agents right now..

Well with the latest data being somewhat bi-polar in its facts and findings, lets consider:

  • The past 5 months has seen month on month national property price growth in a row

  • Despite the slow down in GDP (Gross Dosmetic Prodcut), the forecast from 'Interbank Futures imply a 1-in-3 chance that the cash rate will increase from 4.1% to 4.35% in July

  • Lendi, one of the largest online lending institutions, says the fixed-rate mortgage cliff is imminent, with 48% of their loan book rolling onto more expensive variable rates this year

  • Labour hire shortages, combined with increase in building materials continues to SLOW the rate of development approvals. This combined with the immigration floodgates re-opening, continues to see the supply/demand ratio very tight, bucking all the above trends to see property prices still holding steady and stable.

What does ALL this mean if you are SELLING soon or ON-THE-MARKET right now. Well in the handy little tool below, supplied by SQM Research. You can enter ANY POSTCODE in the country and see the percentage of homes that SELL in under 30 days / 30-60 days / 90+ days.

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Prices RISE For 5th MONTH..
Claudio Cuomo Claudio Cuomo

Prices RISE For 5th MONTH..

Firstly HAPPIEST of 1st Kings Birthday Long Weekend..

Secondly, although the Reserve Bank continues to try to break the economy's spirit, Australia's property markets continue to RALLY for the 5th month in a row, with national house prices increasing +0.33% again in the last month of May, bringing prices up a total of +1.55% from the low point recorded in December last year.

The main driving factor in this at present has not been interest rates or any other artifical measures the RBA and the Government are applying, moreso SUPPLY constraints with respect to stock for sale and the continued surge in rental prices as many landlords and investors exit the market.

Auction rates have also been holding firm, stretching past 70%, improving above the levels seen in the back half of 2022. Although interest rates are close to peak levels, as we saw on the 1st Tuesday of June, it is likely we will still see rates rise further this year as inflation continues to try be reigned in and contained.

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Check Your SUBURB..?
Claudio Cuomo Claudio Cuomo

Check Your SUBURB..?

Everyone's always CURIOUS aren't they..

Well today we share a very COOL little tool that will allow you to CHECK any suburb across the country and discover:

  • How long does it take to SELL a home in your Suburb.?

  • What is your Suburbs median DAYS on market..?

  • What is your Suburbs median PRICE for houses or units.?

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Clearance Rates ABOVE 70%
Claudio Cuomo Claudio Cuomo

Clearance Rates ABOVE 70%

Many factors can immediately impact the property market..

Governments change their minds. Every move they make changes the way the property game unfolds. It creates winners, losers and opportunity for others.

Stamp Duty Grants, concessions and schemese for 1st home buyers and single parents, Stampy Duty reform in NSW could filter down to other states.. In New Zealand the change to Loan to Sale Ratio's could pave the way for APRA considering to lower the barrier to loan assessment rates, which will immediately increase many potential buyers borrowing capacity overnight..

Governments rarely focus on supply, instead play with demand through all the above incentives, schemes, grants and discounts. Even in a time of a housing affordability or rental crisis, there's active encouragement for investors to sell..

All the above factors, combined with interest rates just about at the height of where they will likely go, property prices looking like they've just passed the bottom of the current market cycle and starting to improve plus the COMBINED Capital City Auction Clearance Rate surging past 70%, all indicate we are likely past the hump and worst of it, given at this same time last year they sat at 60% or below.. All these great insights provide an opportunity for you to make the most of the situation and get into the market sooner and ride the next wave of growth.

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The '23 Budget & What it Means
Claudio Cuomo Claudio Cuomo

The '23 Budget & What it Means

So YES the 2023 Federal Budget was handed down last week. As always, this can play quite a role in shaping the future of financial markets, the property sector direction and tax reform.

This years federal budget amid a national rental affordability crisis, focussed on fast recovering national popluation growth, rental shortage in supply, the barrier to entry for 1st home buyers and single parents plus had a few key areas of noteworthy interest, namely:

  • Rental affordability and supply support

  • Build to rent schemes and initiatives

  • Home buying incentives further expanded to support 50,000 people annually

  • Stamp duty reform put on the back burner and left as is for now

So what does all this mean.? Well catch the full summary article by Eleanor Creagh (Senior Economist) by CLICKING HERE or simply HIT the IMAGE below..

For those landlords looking to build on their portfolio and take advantage of stronger rental returns and yields not seen for decades, this could be the perfect window of opportunity to jump back into the market as close to the bottom of this cycle as possible. So if our list of Landlords 1st suitable properties is of interest to you, reach out to the friendly team at C+M Residential to see how we can help you..

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Government GRANTS Available..
Claudio Cuomo Claudio Cuomo

Government GRANTS Available..

Firstly HAPPIEST of MOTHERS DAY wishes to ALL those SPECIAL Mums on this SPECIAL Day.. The reason I truly love Mothers day, is it makes us all take 5 mins, to stop and appreciate ALL the little and large special things they do.. So to my Mum, my childrens Mum and ALL those other Mum's out there.. HAPPY MOTHERS Day..

Well OK, don't stress, today won't be ALL about our special mums, you know at C+M we're all about FUN yet being FOCUSSED as well.. With the budget being handed down this past week. We thought it was about HIGH TIME we stop, prop and take a look at some pretty darn exciting grants that are currently out for:

  • 1st Home Buyers upto $800,000 - "The 1st Home Guarantee.."

  • Single Parents buying upto $800,000 - "The Family Home Guarantee.."

  • 2nd or 3rd Home Buyers upto $950,000 - "The National Home Buyers Fund.."

We'vw condensed ALL the important things you NEED to KNOW, in our short video below. CLICK HERE to watch or HIT the IMAGE below..

For expert advise on how these schemes and grants could assist you, just let us know and we will connect you with one of C+M recommended lending experts to assist.."

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The DIFFERENCE of a Good Broker
Claudio Cuomo Claudio Cuomo

The DIFFERENCE of a Good Broker

It's AMAZING the difference the right broker can make..

This week we had the pleasure of being presented to by Mark from Mortgage Domayne, who shared some very interesting eye-openers on how much of a DIFFERENCE the right broker, who knows how to structure the right deal, can make to a clients borrowing capacity.

Just touching the tip of the iceberg for EG, check out the chart below, that shows how the same couple with a combined income of: $140,000, assuming no other debts or credit cards, can borrow as litle as $730,000 from one lender, however push up to $902,000 from another lender and anywhere in between. As well as some current government schemes that allow home buyers that qualify with only 5% deposit, to have a further 15% equity gauranteed by the Government and be able to purchase upto $850,000 with NO Lenders Mortgage Insurance, a saving of potentially upto $25,000 to your back pocket!!! So before you think that you may not be able to afford that dream home you saw online, or in person last week, think again.. All you may need is the right advice, from the right brokerage team.

Mark also shared, that even though we experienced a further 0.25% rise in the cash interest rate from the RBA this month. Most major banks have been dropping their longer term FIXED INTEREST RATES. Which has historically been a clear sign, that even the banks know rates in the not to distant future will be pausing for a good while and even liekly coming down. Altough there's no firm gaurantee in life, one thing I can personally gaurantee, is that banks are not in the business of losing money, so this is a very solid indicator again that the worst with rates and the correction of the property markets since February last year is almost done, if not already behind us.

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Clearance RATES Building
Claudio Cuomo Claudio Cuomo

Clearance RATES Building

It's about time..

As we approach the final few weeks of Autumn, many Melbourne Real Estate Agencies are finally reporting that Auction Clearance Rates are building. Which for Melbourne has always been one of the strongest indiciators of market confidence and direction.

Many statistical reporting agencies last week, reported prelimanry clearnace rates around 70%, which are genreally levels that have historically indicated healthy property market conditions.. With a combination of:

  • The recent PAUSE in intrest rates by the RBA

  • The shortage of supply of homes in Melbourne

  • The 308,000 additional growth in Melbourne population by immigration in the past 12 months

  • Plus the recent improvement in consumer sentiment driven by more positive media coverage

All combining towards the current building and improvement in Melbourne's and Sydney's key Australian property markets.

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HOW Has Your Suburb Performed In The Last 10 YEARS.?
Claudio Cuomo Claudio Cuomo

HOW Has Your Suburb Performed In The Last 10 YEARS.?

How has your SUBURB performed in the LAST 10 Years.? Well with 4 top 4 property TRENDS you need to KNOW right now being:

  1. The downward trend has reversed in March'23. The 1st time this has occured within the past year. With the cumulative increase in 2023, now +0.49%

  2. The limited supply of housing has in fact been one of the main drivers in this small but important upturn we are currently experiencing. Far lower listing volumes, has offset the weaker buyer demand in the past 12 months

  3. It's still too early to officially call the end to the downturn, however with the 1st pause in interest rates seen this month for the 1st time in 12 months, the signs are positive

  4. Prices still continue to hold post pandemic, natioanlly prices are still 29.9% higher above their pre-pandemic levels. So although the past 12 months has seen a quick drop off. So long as you've been in your home for at least 3-4 years, you're still in a far better off position that pre-pandemic times

So what a timely opportunity to check how your SUBURB has performed over the past 10 years.

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A Clear Message
Claudio Cuomo Claudio Cuomo

A Clear Message

The message is CLEAR..

The recent decision from the RBA (Reserve Bank of Australia), to hold the current cash interest rate at 3.6%, sent a clear message that they are ready to take stock and assess the economic impact of the rapid rate rising cycle to date, which was used to try and contain out of control inflation levels..

A key factor on whether rates remain on hold, or go further up or down from here, will be how quickly inflation falls towards the target range. Now while this pause does not necessarily mean that interest rate hikes are completely done. It does indicate that the end to this rate tightening cycle is coming to an end, there is light at the end of the tunnell and we may only see 1 further rate hike in the wings for now..

Despite the last 14 months and the property market now experiencing the highest interest rates since 2012. Over the past month, national dwelling values rose by +0.6%, following almost 6+ months of steady decline. Now +0.6% growth may not seem like much, however with these first green shoots starting to emerge, consumer sentiment and confidence is improving. It's been very clear to see on the ground at open homes and auctions the immediate impact on buyers language being more positive and a surge in buyer and sales activity..

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So Why NOW.? So Why NOT..
Claudio Cuomo Claudio Cuomo

So Why NOW.? So Why NOT..

So WHY NOW you ask..? So WHY NOT we SAY..?

They all say it's ALMOST impossibly to PICK the BOTTOM of the market.. However what I'm cautiously confident in stating, is RIGHT NOW, this could very well be the closest to the BOTTOM of the market that you will ever see! CONSIDER:

  • Interest Rates on pause..

  • The end of this phase of the property cycle NOW in sight..

  • Increase in BUYER numbers and activity at OPEN homes..

  • More BUYERS bidding competively at AUCTIONS again..

  • Positive MEDIA reports starting to emerge

  • INFLATION, finally getting under control..

  • SHARP rise in improved consumern confidence and SENTIMENT..

So WHY NOW you SAY..? Well WHY NOT.. Otherwise you may very well have MISSED the BOAT..

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Learn MORE about your Suburb
Claudio Cuomo Claudio Cuomo

Learn MORE about your Suburb

There are growing signs that the RBA agressive tightening of monetary policy, namley the sharp raising of interest rates, is now causing pain across the housing sector. Evidenced clearly by the tumbling level of new mortgage and home loan approval rates. According to the National Bereau of Statistics, they have now fallen by -35% in the past 12 months.

Many would be 1st home buyers, have shied away from taking the 1st leap of faith into the housing market, only fuelling the severe shortage of rental properties available. The continuing trend for the majority of rental properties has seen multiple applications being put forward within days of launching and more often than not, would be tenants offering well over the advertised guides to try and get on the front foot and secure their rental instead of buying. This has contributed to the average +35% uplift in many rental values across most capitable cities, in particular Melbourne & Sydney. 

With prices in Melbourne & Sydney on average -10% lower than their previous peak, there is certainly much food for thought for investors to seriously consider re-entering the market to take advantage of some of the strongest rental returns in almost a decade.. If you'd like to LEARN more about your Suburbs Insights, for EG:

  • The median price for Houses/Units

  • Average Days on Market

  • Your area's specific Clearance Rate

  • How many homes have SOLD this year

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Claudio Cuomo Claudio Cuomo


Hot cross buns have been for sale across the stores, the chocolate eggs have almost SOLD out, yes it's fair to say that Easter is in now FULL swing..

Well in the true C+M Residential spirit of giving, we're of course running our 'Annual C+M Easter Colouring Competition' with 1st PRIZE being a $200 family gift voucher to enjoy at the KingPin Crown Complex. Where you and the family can sit back, relax and enjoy bowling, arcade games, laser tag and much more.. Place 2nd & 3rd place PRIZES are HUGE as well, both set to WIN a further $100 voucher each.. As always we make it as Easy as 1, 2, 3..

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Is the Bottom of the Cycle COMING.?
Claudio Cuomo Claudio Cuomo

Is the Bottom of the Cycle COMING.?

I tell you what.. I nearly fell off my computer chair when I read this heading this week, and not because I'd had an evening out the night before.. It was because it's the very first time since property markets and the economy started correcting in February last year, that I've even come close to remotely hearing any expert or media commentary that we may be approaching or getting close to the bottom of this property market cycle..

Well although it may be a little premature to make this declation right now, the 1st green shoots are starting to sprout and even though the housing market is still facing some consideratble downside risks, with a few further rate rises still expected to come, and the the fact that we are yet to see the full impact of on household spending and savings from the aggressive rate hiking cycle to date, there are a few key metrics which in fact will be a BIG part and have contributed to so far this month, seeing Melbournes HVI 'Home Value Index' up +0.2% half way through March.

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Is it TIME for a Home Loan Health Check..?
Claudio Cuomo Claudio Cuomo

Is it TIME for a Home Loan Health Check..?

Enough is enough.. After the RBA'a 10th consecutive Rate Rise in a row, an average Australian mortgage of around $750,000 has risen by around $1,160 per month, or $13,920 per year.

Factor in also the many Australians who have a mortgage on their principal place of residence, plus a 2nd or 3rd investment property, that could mean you are currently having to dig around under the mattress for another $41,760 in the coming year, just to cover your additional interest rate bill..

There are some positive reports emerging however indicating that we may only see 1 or 2 further rate rises in April and May, before the RBA may be forced to start reducing rates as early as November or December this year, or at the very least early 2024. However in the iterim the mortgage pain for many Australian's is very real.

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5 Things to KNOW About the INTEREST Rate Cliff
Claudio Cuomo Claudio Cuomo

5 Things to KNOW About the INTEREST Rate Cliff

Hello and happy Autumn. We hope all is well as we head into one of our favourite seasons of the year at C+M. Not only because the leaves and the tree's turn amber and orange in colour, but also as we head into another strong selling season window of opportunity..

There's been a lot of talk lately around the pending Fixed INTEREST Rate cliff coming.. Basically all this hoohaa relates to some 850,000 mortgage holders coming off their 1, 2 or 3 years FIXED interest rate terms of 1.95% (*on average), all of a sudden jumping to either 5.75%+ for owner occupier loans and 6.15%+ for investor loans..

The 5 KEY THINGS you need to know centre around:

  1. The pain will start to be felt from 2023 onwards, as these fixed rate loans mature

  2. Variable borrowing has a lot to teach us..

  3. Variable rates are rising, however they can also come back down..

  4. Equity remains high.. In most markets..

  5. It will take a little while to see the true flow on impacts..

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National Property CLOCK
Claudio Cuomo Claudio Cuomo

National Property CLOCK

G'day, g'day and happy Sunday. As February draws to a close in a few days, we hope the year has started as smoothly and lovely as the weather has been this month..

As always there is alot happening in the National, Global and Local economy at present affecting all things Property. So this week we take a closer LOOK at:

  • The National Property.. Where is Melbourne currently positioned

  • Inflation finally starting to slow, however further rate hikes expected

  • Interest Rate Maturity Mountain, and what this means for you

So the latest data, which typically can be 2-3 months behind the reality of what is happening LIVE on the property market floor. Indicates that Melborne is still at the START of DECLINE cycle. To be fair, we would say that the market is more so already well into the decline stage based on the challenges of the past 9 months, and that the worst of it is behind us. We would expect that as this year progresses, it is much closer to approaching the bottom and stabilsiing.

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Seen to be BELIEVED
Claudio Cuomo Claudio Cuomo

Seen to be BELIEVED

Hello and hope all is well on this magnificant Sunday. Okies, we don't do this too often.. However today I am URGING you, that you simply MUST SCROLL down...

This week, we have something magical, something mystical, something genuinely OUT of this WORLD, that NEEDS to be SEEN in person to be BELIEVED.. Get set and get ready to experience the 'NeXt LeVeL iN LuXuRy LiViNg..'


  • Sexy curved walls..

  • Scintillating quality..

  • Exquisite finishes that will EXCITE the senses and the SOUL..

  • Location, Luxury, Lifestyle ALL in ONE.. 

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